Photos of Merrill Gardens at Carolina Park in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Our Photo Gallery

Explore Photos of Our Community

Take an armchair tour of our photo gallery, and picture an afternoon game of billiards, or popping some popcorn for an evening movie. Meals are lively, delicious and enjoyed with friends in our community dining room. Ample outdoor patio space and mature trees make a stroll around the stately grounds a pleasure in every season. From a fitness class to a friendly game of cards, there’s always something happening at Merrill Gardens at Carolina Park.

Explore Photos of Our Cottages

Click here to learn more about our independent senior living cottages!

Community Life

Spacious apartments accommodate your favorite furnishings, leaving plenty of room to relax and enjoy your independence. We take care of the daily chores, so you can pursue the activities that make you happy and fulfilled. Imagine an evening chat with a friend, a lively game of cards with neighbors or a movie in the community theater room. The choice is yours at Merrill Gardens at Carolina Park.

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